What forms of payment does the Macerich Company Store accept?

The Macerich Company Store accepts all major credit cards and store issued gift cards.

How long will it take to get my order?

In-Stock items are available to ship within 1-2 business days.

On-Demand items have different production lead times and ship upon completion. When an order is placed the apparel, hat, or backpack is shipped from the manufacturer to then receive the embroidery decoration. On average 12-15 business days should be expected for the production process. Please budget enough time for order processing and shipping.

Please note that if you are to check out with an in-stock item and an on-demand item, your items will ship together following the production of the on-demand item included in the order.

Can I make a change to my order?

Yes. Assuming your order has not already gone into production or shipped, you can make changes by contacting customer service.

How do I return or exchange items?

Please contact customer service for a Return Authorization. If an item is defective in any way, we will pay the return freight. Otherwise, you may ship back to us at your convenience. See our Return and Exchange Policy for detailed information.

What if I need something that's not currently for sale on the Macerich Company Store website?

If there is an item you are interested in purchasing that is not found on the Macerich site, reach out to your My Corporate Expressions dedicated Program Manager by using the Contact Us  form. All types of apparel, promotional, gift, and printed items are available through this custom order request channel. Order quantity minimums and lead times may vary by item.

Can I expedite shipping?

Yes. In-stock orders are shipped out within 1-2 business days of order receipt. On-demand items are not available for same day or next day shipping. If you have any questions email our Customer Service at or call us (832) 688-8627.